Monday, July 11, 2011

The Ultimate Diamond Information Site’s Exclusive 29 Point Diamond Inspection

Good Old Gold’s
The Ultimate Diamond Information Site’s
Exclusive 29 Point Diamond Inspection
1. Inspection and confirmation of clarity grade.
2. Professional photomicrographs demonstrating primary grading inclusions from
10x - 64x under Leica gemological microscope with dark-field illumination.
3. Inspection for surface breaking inclusions and confirmation of healed or open
feathers reaching the surface. (We eliminate open feathers from our purchasing).
4. Inspection for internal graining and strain.*
5. Inspection for graining or fluorescence impacting diamond transparency.
6. Analysis next to master comparison stones under GIA official lighting for color
7. Colorimeter Analysis (digital color testing for diamonds).
8. Inspection and confirmation of fluorescence.
Carat Weight:
9. Confirmation of actual diamond weight via use of digital balance down to
of a carat.

10. Further confirmation with estimated weight via Sarin/Helium Scan.
11. Weight ratio/ Spread: Determination that the diamond doesn’t look too small for
its weight.
12. Durability/Proportion factors: Considering how things like girdles that are too thin
are prone to chipping. Especially when combined with certain shallow angled
diamonds, culet size, etc.
13. External Polishing or finish.
14. External or traditional Symmetry grading characteristics.
15. Exclusive Optical Symmetry Grading on every round diamond in our inventory.
Optical symmetry specifically addresses issues of craftsmanship not covered in
GIA or AGS lab reports.
16. Inspection and analysis of girdle cutting. Ie. Painting and Digging. We have
studied and are familiar with the degrees of these features that take the hits in both
GIA and AGS systems.
17. Full Sarin Analysis including 3D modeling via Sarin plus all the various reports
provided in the Sarin Viewer (7 Reports in all plus individual reports for fancy
18. Helium Scan and Report results. Helium Scans provided the most accurate and
detailed facet by facet analysis of a diamond that is possible and produce the most
accurate 3 dimensional models possible. We are the only lab that possesses the
Helium Scanner besides GIA and AGS in this country.19. Gem Advisor File. The models generated with the Helium (and Sarin over 2ct)
are imported into Octonus’ Gem Advisor software which can be viewed via our
site which shows how the diamond appears in diffuse day lighting (office light
view), spot lighting (disco light view), hemisphere lighting (our own addition),
plus various scope views including but not limited to …
20. IdealScope™ Analysis. The IdealScope™ shows how the facets within a
diamond are functioning (as either reflectors or non-reflectors of light).

21. DiamXray™ Analysis. DiamXray™ is akin to IdealScope analysis except that
our DiamXray photography system is a photograph of the actual diamond itself in
this scope and is not based on a scan. DiamXray™ photography is also more
detailed than actual IdealScope™ photography and allows us to see the critical
results of light return, light leakage and intensity.
22. ASET™ Analysis. American Gem Society Advanced Instruments Division
recently released their own multi-colored reflector called the Angular Spectrum
Evaluation Tool (ASET) which not only shows whether facets are functioning as
reflectors or non-reflectors but also demonstrates where a diamond is drawing its
light from within the angular spectrum. A very valuable analysis once understood
(and not hard to understand at all).
23. Actual Hearts & Arrows images of diamonds cut to this level of precision (both
round and square varieties).
24. GIA FacetWare™ Results on each round brilliant cut in our inventory.
25. AGS Performance Grading Software™ results on each round brilliant cut AND
princess cut diamond in our inventory.
26. GemEx BrillianceScope™ Results. Light performance testing in direct lighting
environments for
a. white light return
b. colored light return &
c. scintillation.

27. Isee2™ Light Performance Analysis (limited to rounds). Digital Light
performance testing in diffuse lighting environments for
a. Brilliance/brightness
b. Optical Symmetry
c. Scintillation comprised of
i. Dynamic contrast
ii. Dynamic fire
28. Scan & inspection of original Lab Report for the diamond.
29. GIA DiamondDock™: Visual inspection for brightness, fire and scintillation in

GIA’s official lighting environment for cut grading and determination (all
Also all the photography, scans and reports you see on that diamonds web page are
included in a printed Appraisal Report for your own protection. Insurance companies are
only obligated to replace what is described in the Appraisal Report and while we
encourage our clients to get professional 2
opinions on the diamond they purchase, we
suggest they submit ours to their insurance company as it is generally the most detailed
and this for your own protection.

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